In the cluttered landscape of romantic comedy manga, where tropes are recycled and originality is often scarce, Makoto Ojiro’s latest offering, “Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!”, seems to be just another drop in the ocean. Published in the 10th issue of Shogakukan’s Weekly Big Comic Spirits magazine, this manga follows the tired formula of a high school setting, complete with the obligatory baseball club and a transfer student.
Makoto Ojiro Launches New Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte! Manga ➤
— Anime News Network (@AnimeNewsNet) February 5, 2024
Uninspired Plot: A Cliché in Disguise
The premise of “Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!” revolves around Hoshino, a typical boy in the school’s baseball club, who encounters Yamada, a transfer student in distress. This encounter, of course, leads to predictable scenarios of friendship, romance, and the usual high school drama. The concept of “complete submission” touted in the synopsis feels more like a rehashed gimmick than a fresh take on relationships.
Lacklustre Characterisation: Stereotypes Galore
One of the hallmarks of a subpar romantic comedy is the reliance on cookie-cutter characters, and Ojiro’s manga doesn’t disappoint in this aspect. Hoshino fits snugly into the role of the generic high school protagonist, while Yamada seems to embody the archetype of the damsel in distress. With such lacklustre characterisation, it’s hard to invest in their journey or root for their development.
Overdone Tropes: Recycling the Same Old Formula
From the tearful encounter between the protagonist and the transfer student to the inevitable blossoming romance against the backdrop of school activities, “Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!” checks off all the boxes of overused romantic comedy tropes. There’s little innovation or creativity to be found here, making it a forgettable addition to an already oversaturated genre.
Questionable Artistic Merit: Aesthetically Underwhelming
While visuals aren’t everything in a manga, they do play a significant role in capturing the reader’s attention and conveying emotions effectively. Unfortunately, the artwork in “Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!” falls short of making a lasting impression. The character designs lack distinctiveness, and the overall aesthetic feels uninspired, failing to elevate the mundane narrative.
A Mediocre Offering in a Sea of Mediocrity
In a landscape where standout titles are few and far between, “Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!” fails to distinguish itself from the plethora of mediocre romantic comedies already flooding the market. With its recycled plot, lacklustre characterisation, and uninspired artwork, this manga is unlikely to leave a lasting impression on discerning readers looking for substance amidst the superficiality of the genre.
In conclusion, while Makoto Ojiro’s “Hoshino-kun, Shitagatte!” may find an audience among those seeking mindless entertainment, it ultimately falls short of offering anything of substantial value. As readers, let’s demand more from creators in terms of originality, depth, and artistic merit, rather than settling for recycled clichés packaged as innovation.