Why Are Comics Still Called “Comics” When They’re Not Always Funny?

Ever wondered why they’re still called comics when humor isn’t their only game? Delve into the intriguing world of sequential art and discover the truth behind the name!


Hey there, fellow comic enthusiasts! Have you ever pondered why those colorful, panel-packed pieces of sequential art are still dubbed “comics”? After all, they’re not always bursting at the seams with knee-slapping hilarity! Join me on this quest for answers as we navigate through the quirky corridors of comic history and unravel the mysteries behind their nomenclature.

Why Are Comics Still Called Comics When Theyre Not Always Funny
Why Are Comics Still Called "Comics" When They're Not Always Funny? 4

Comics the Origins

So, let’s start at the beginning, shall we? Back in the day, when our ancestors roamed the earth (okay, maybe not that far back), comics were born out of a desire to entertain. But here’s the kicker: they weren’t always meant to be a barrel of laughs! Nope, some comics were downright serious, tackling weighty topics with the finesse of a tightrope walker. So, why the name “comics”? It’s like calling a tomato a fruit – technically correct, but oh-so-confusing!

The Humor Conundrum

Ah, humor – the spice of life, the cherry on top of the sundae, the… well, you get the picture. But here’s the thing: not all comics are funny. Shocking, right? Some are as serious as a heart attack, delving into deep, philosophical quandaries that leave you scratching your head in confusion. So, why do we persist in calling them “comics” when they’re not always chuckle-worthy? It’s like calling a penguin a bird – sure, it technically is, but it’s not exactly soaring through the skies, is it?

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Why Are Comics Still Called "Comics" When They're Not Always Funny? 5

The Evolution of Terminology

Now, let’s fast forward to the present day. Comics have come a long way since their humble beginnings, morphing into a diverse array of genres and styles. From gritty noir dramas to fantastical tales of heroism, there’s a comic out there for everyone. So, why do we still cling to the outdated moniker of “comics”? It’s like holding onto a flip phone in the age of smartphones – sure, it gets the job done, but it’s not exactly cutting-edge technology!

Breaking the Mold

But fear not, dear readers, for change is afoot! With the rise of graphic novels and webcomics, the boundaries of the medium are being pushed in exciting new directions. No longer shackled by the constraints of traditional print, creators are free to explore bold new ideas and experiment with storytelling techniques. So, perhaps it’s time to retire the term “comics” once and for all and embrace a new era of sequential art. It’s like trading in your old jalopy for a sleek, futuristic hovercar – sure, it’s a bit scary at first, but the possibilities are endless!


Q: Do comics have to be funny? A: Nope! While humor is certainly a common element in many comics, it’s by no means a requirement. From tragic tales of loss to epic adventures of heroism, comics come in all shapes and sizes.

Q: Why are they still called “comics” then? A: Ah, that’s the million-dollar question! Despite their varied subject matter, comics are still saddled with a name that suggests they’re all about making you laugh. Go figure!

Q: Are comic books neglecting comedy? A: Not necessarily! While some comic creators may choose to focus on more serious themes, there’s still plenty of room for humor in the world of sequential art. After all, who doesn’t love a good laugh?


So, there you have it, folks – the curious case of comics and their perplexing name. While they may not always tickle your funny bone, there’s no denying the impact these colorful creations have had on popular culture. So, whether you prefer your comics with a side of humor or a dash of drama, one thing’s for sure: there’s never been a better time to dive into the wonderful world of sequential art!

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