“Bastard!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy-,” an animated series, exudes a fusion of heavy metal music culture and dark fantasy elements, offering a unique narrative that captivates its audience. The story unfolds in a world where civilization has crumbled, and colossal beasts, possessing immense destructive power, dominate the land. These monsters have the capability to annihilate the world in just seven days, plunging humanity into a relentless struggle for survival.
The plot thickens as the Army of Dark Rebels, led by the Four Divine Kings, plots to resurrect the God of Destruction, Anthrasax. In response, the Kingdom of Meta-llicana summons a volatile and unpredictable dark wizard, Dark Schneider, to thwart this impending apocalypse. Schneider, who once fought for the rebels, now stands against them, driven by his own chaotic desires and a peculiar sense of protection towards his childhood friend, Yoko.
This series intricately weaves themes of power, loyalty, and destruction, set against a backdrop of intense battles and mystical enchantments. Each episode delves deeper into the enigmatic world, exploring the complex relationships and inner conflicts of the characters. Dark Schneider’s journey is not just a battle against external foes but also an internal struggle with his own dark past and turbulent emotions.
For aficionados of anime and heavy metal, “Bastard!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy-” offers an unparalleled experience, blending the raw energy of metal music with the rich, imaginative storytelling of dark fantasy. The series’ distinctive approach and compelling narrative make it a standout addition to the genre, promising an engaging and thrilling viewing experience.
- Dark Schneider: Voiced by Kishō Taniyama, Schneider is a formidable dark wizard with a complex past, whose motives oscillate between chaos and protection.
- Tia Noto Yoko: Voiced by Tomori Kusunoki, Yoko is Schneider’s childhood friend, whose presence is a beacon of humanity for the dark wizard.
- Kall-Su: Voiced by Kenshō Ono, Kall-Su is one of the Four Divine Kings, leading the dark forces with a sinister ambition.
- Gara: Voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto, Gara is another key figure in the dark army, known for his ruthless strategies and formidable prowess in battle.
With its intense action sequences, rich character development, and an enthralling plot, “Bastard!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy-” stands as a testament to the dynamic storytelling potential of anime. Whether you are a fan of metal music, fantasy lore, or intricate character arcs, this series promises to deliver an unforgettable experience.
Trailer Links:
- BASTARD!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy- | Trailer | Netflix Anime
- BASTARD‼ -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy- | Teaser Trailer