“Suicide Squad Isekai” is an upcoming anime series that takes DC Comics’ notorious antiheroes and plunges them into a fantastical “isekai” world. Led by Amanda Waller, this unconventional team includes familiar faces like Harley Quinn, Deadshot, and Peacemaker, along with newcomers to the squad. Tasked with dangerous missions in this new realm filled with magic and mythical creatures, they must navigate treacherous landscapes and confront powerful adversaries.
Produced by Wit Studio and Warner Bros., the series promises intense action, dynamic character interactions, and unexpected twists as these villains-turned-heroes navigate their way through a world vastly different from their own. With its unique blend of dark humor, high-stakes adventure, and supernatural elements, “Suicide Squad Isekai” offers a fresh and thrilling take on the beloved DC universe characters.
The anime series “Suicide Squad Isekai” is an upcoming adaptation based on DC Comics’ Suicide Squad, set in a fantasy “isekai” (another world) setting. Here are some key details about the series:
- Premiere Dates: The series is set to premiere internationally with three episodes on June 27, 2024, on streaming platforms like Max and Hulu in the US. In Japan, it will debut on July 6, 2024, on Tokyo MX and BS11.
- Genre and Setting: “Suicide Squad Isekai” combines elements of fantasy and action, where characters like Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark find themselves in a new, dangerous world filled with magic and adventure.
- Production Details: The anime is produced by Wit Studio, known for its work on popular anime series like “Attack on Titan” and “The Ancient Magus’ Bride.” Warner Bros. is overseeing production, ensuring a high-profile collaboration for the series.
- Episodic Format: The first season consists of 10 episodes, with weekly releases starting from June 27, 2024, until the season finale in August. Each episode promises to explore new challenges and developments for the characters as they navigate their unfamiliar surroundings.
- Cast and Characters: The series features a diverse cast of characters, each bringing their unique traits and backgrounds into the mix. Notable characters include Harley Quinn, voiced by Anna Nagase, and Deadshot, portrayed by Reigo Yamaguchi, among others.
- Visuals and Trailers: Official trailers and visual previews have been released, showcasing the animation style, character designs, and snippets of the action-packed scenes viewers can expect.
- International Availability: Apart from streaming on Max and Hulu in the US and airing on Tokyo MX and BS11 in Japan, international viewers will likely have access to the series through various streaming platforms, although specific details may vary by region.
For fans of both DC Comics and anime, “Suicide Squad Isekai” promises to deliver a fresh take on the beloved characters within a thrilling and unfamiliar setting, blending familiar faces with new challenges and adventures.