Ghost of Tsushima 2: Can It Level Up Horse-Bonding like Red Dead Redemption 2

Can Ghost of Tsushima 2 revolutionize horse companionship? Dive into how it could adopt Red Dead Redemption 2’s mechanics to deepen emotional bonds. 🐎

In Ghost of Tsushima, Jin’s bond with his horse adds emotional weight. But can the sequel redefine this connection like Red Dead Redemption 2? Emulating its horse-bonding mechanics could transform Jin’s companion into more than just a ride.

By nurturing the relationship through feeding, grooming, and comforting, players would invest emotionally. But it’s not just about feels—perks like enhanced traversal skills sweeten the deal. Imagine Jin’s journey through mainland Japan with a loyal, brave, and fully-capable steed by his side.

Sucker Punch could break from the trope of sacrificial companions, creating a deeper emotional investment. Could Jin’s previous horse make a return, tugging at players’ heartstrings? 🎮

P.S. Dive into the comments section for more insights and share your thoughts on FENOMENCO’s take on this intriguing topic! 🗨️

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