Gear Up for Glory! Your Guide to the Best Action Movies on Netflix

Hold onto your popcorn, fellow thrill-seekers! We’re diving headfirst into the electrifying world of action movies on Netflix. From pulse-pounding shootouts to bone-crunching fight choreography, the streaming giant boasts a treasure trove of adrenaline-pumping flicks to satisfy your inner action junkie.

Lucy (2014) Extraction (2020) Extraction 2 (2023) Ballerina (2023) The Mother (2023) The Woman King (2022) Close (2019) Kate (2021) The Gray Man (2022) 6 Underground (2019) Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) The Old Guard (2020) The Harder They Fall (2021) The Night Comes for Us (2018) Red Notice (2021) Triple Frontier (2019) Beyond Skyline (2017) Wheelman (2017)

Sharpshooters and Super Soldiers: A Bullet Buffet

Let’s kick things off with some classic action fare. If you crave mind-blowing stunts and dazzling special effects, “Extraction” (2020) and its sequel, “Extraction 2” (2023), are must-watches. Chris Hemsworth throws himself into the role of a black-market mercenary with a heart of gold, navigating perilous missions with balletic precision.

But action isn’t just about explosions and gunfire. “Lucy” (2014) takes a more cerebral approach, exploring the mind-bending potential of a mysterious drug that unlocks superhuman abilities in Scarlett Johansson’s character. It’s a trippy action adventure that will leave you questioning reality.

Sisterhood of Smackdowns: Women Warriors Take Over

Move over, fellas. The action genre is no longer a boys’ club. Here on Netflix, female heroes are kicking butt and taking names with style. Charlize Theron leads the charge in “The Old Guard” (2020) as an immortal warrior battling across the centuries. Get ready for some seriously cool fight choreography and a healthy dose of female empowerment.

Looking for something with a splash of revenge? Then “Ballerina” (2023) is your pick. Jeon Jong-seo embodies a formidable ex-bodyguard on a mission to avenge her best friend. This stylish action flick is a whirlwind of martial arts mastery and emotional depth.

Globetrotting Brawls and Historical Throwdowns

If you like your action with a healthy dose of travel, “The Woman King” (2022) is a history buff’s dream. Viola Davis stars as the general of an all-female warrior unit in the West African kingdom of Dahomey. Prepare for stunning battle sequences and an inspiring story of female power.

For a modern globetrotting adventure, check out “Red Notice” (2021). Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot team up (sort of) for a hilarious heist film that takes them across the world. It’s light on plot but heavy on charm and action set pieces, making it a perfect popcorn flick.

Hidden Gems: Where Underrated Action Awaits

Not all the best action movies get the recognition they deserve. “The Night Comes for Us” (2018) is a hidden gem from Indonesia. Iko Uwais, a star of “The Raid” films, delivers a powerhouse performance as an enforcer seeking redemption. The action sequences here are brutal and balletic, showcasing the beauty and brutality of martial arts.

For a more offbeat action experience, “Beyond Skyline” (2017) is a wild ride. It’s a sci-fi action B-movie that throws everything at the wall and somehow makes it work. Think alien invasions, brain-sucking creatures, and a healthy dose of cheese. It’s not for everyone, but for those who love a good B-movie brawl, it’s a gem.

So, crank up the volume, grab your snacks, and get ready to dive into the action-packed world of Netflix. With so many incredible films to choose from, there’s a perfect action movie waiting for every kind of thrill-seeker.

Bonus: Deep Dives

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This list just scratches the surface of the amazing action movies available on Netflix. Here are some additional recommendations depending on your action cravings:

  • For a good old-fashioned car chase: “Wheelman” (2017) puts Frank Grillo behind the wheel for a high-octane night of crime.
  • For an explosion-filled extravaganza: “Triple Frontier” (2019) is a military action flick with a stellar cast and plenty of firepower.
  • For something a little different: “Kate” (2021) is a stylish assassin thriller with Mary Elizabeth Winstead kicking butt.

Happy watching!

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