“Ai Yori Aoshi” is a TV anime series that falls under the genres of Comedy, Drama, Harem, Romance, and Slice of Life. The English title is also “Ai Yori Aoshi,” and it consists of 24 episodes. The series premiered on April 11, 2002, and concluded on September 26, 2002. The age rating for the anime is PG-13 (13 years and older).
- Japanese Title: 藍より青し
- English Title: Ai Yori Aoshi
- Anime Type: TV Series
- Episode Count: 24 episodes
- Airing Period: April 11, 2002 – September 26, 2002
- Genres: Comedy, Drama, Harem, Romance, Slice of Life
- Age Rating: PG-13 (13 years and older)
- Studio: J.C.Staff
- Episode Duration: 23 minutes per episode
- Overall Rating: 7.23/10 based on the votes of 863 viewers
Synopsis: Kaoru Hanabishi, while wandering through his university, encounters a girl in a kimono who seems to be lost. The girl is searching for someone, and Kaoru decides to help her in the quest. However, when they arrive at the given address, they find it empty. To Kaoru’s surprise, when the girl, Aoi Sakuraba, shows him a picture of the person she’s looking for, it turns out to be a childhood photo of the two of them. Aoi is Kaoru’s fiancée, but Kaoru had left his family, and the engagement was dissolved. Aoi attempts to bring Kaoru back to the Hanabishi family and renew the engagement, but Kaoru has no intention of returning.
User Comments:
- The provided information does not include specific user comments or reviews for “Ai Yori Aoshi.” User feedback can provide additional insights into the anime’s strengths and weaknesses.
- “Ai Yori Aoshi” explores themes of family, relationships, and personal choices in a romantic and comedic setting. The series delves into the challenges faced by the characters as they navigate their feelings and connections.
Ai Yori Aoshi Filler List
Episode Number | Title | Filler or Canon |
1 | Fate | Canon |
2 | Supper | Canon |
3 | Separation | Canon |
4 | Living Together | Canon |
5 | Separation | Canon |
6 | Living Alone | Canon |
7 | All Alone | Canon |
8 | Servant | Canon |
9 | Feelings of the Heart | Canon |
10 | Kiss | Canon |
11 | One Night | Canon |
12 | Visiting | Canon |
13 | Aoi’s Dream | Canon |
14 | Touya | Canon |
15 | Living Together Again | Canon |
16 | Places | Canon |
17 | Secret | Canon |
18 | Family | Canon |
19 | Cherished Treasure | Canon |
20 | Gate | Canon |
21 | Passageway | Canon |
22 | Distance | Canon |
23 | Kiss | Canon |
24 | Aoi | Canon |