“Ai no Kusabi” (間の楔) is an OVA (Original Video Animation) series that falls under the categories of Drama and Romance. The English title is also “Ai no Kusabi,” and it was released with a total of 4 episodes. The series premiered on January 18, 2012, and concluded on the same day. The age rating for the anime is R+ (Mild Nudity), indicating that it may contain mild nudity.
- Japanese Title: 間の楔
- English Title: Ai no Kusabi
- Anime Type: OVA (Original Video Animation)
- Episode Count: 4 episodes
- Airing Period: January 18, 2012
- Genres: Drama, Romance
- Age Rating: R+ (Mild Nudity)
- Studio: AIC
- Episode Duration: 25 minutes per episode
- Overall Rating: 8.38/10 based on the votes of 141 viewers
Synopsis: Set on the planet Amoi, “Ai no Kusabi” revolves around the Tanagura society, which is technologically advanced and governed by a supercomputer named Jupiter. The population consists mostly of men, with the elite class known as “Blondies,” characterized by fair skin and hair. On the other hand, those with darker features, referred to as “melezes,” are part of the lower class.
The story focuses on Iason Mink, a Blondie who breaks the rules by forming a relationship with a melez named Riki. Despite the prohibition on personal involvement, Iason keeps Riki as a pet, going against societal norms. Riki, a gang leader, finds himself torn between resisting Iason and surrendering completely.
User Comments:
- The provided information does not include specific user comments or reviews for “Ai no Kusabi (2012).” User feedback can offer additional perspectives on the anime’s reception and impact on viewers.
- “Ai no Kusabi” explores themes of societal hierarchy, relationships, and rebellion in a futuristic setting, making it a unique addition to the romance and drama genres.
Ai no Kusabi (2012) Filler List
Episode Number | Title | Filler or Canon |
1 | Encounter | Canon |
2 | Tragedy | Canon |
3 | Nightmare | Canon |
4 | Rebirth | Canon |
All episodes of “Ai no Kusabi (2012)” are considered canon.