“Adachi to Shimamura” is a TV anime series consisting of 12 episodes. The English title for the series is “Adachi and Shimamura.” It is also known as “Adashima” in Japanese. The anime falls under the TV category and has a PG-13 age rating, suitable for viewers aged 13 and older. The series was produced by Kadokawa, and Tezuka Productions served as the studio.
- Japanese Title: 安達としまむら
- English Title: Adachi and Shimamura
- Anime Type: TV
- Episode Count: 12 episodes
- Start Date: October 9, 2020
- End Date: December 25, 2020
- Genre: Not specified
- Age Rating: PG-13
- Producer: Kadokawa
- Studio: Tezuka Productions
- Episode Duration: 24 minutes per episode
- Overall Rating: 8.70/10 based on the votes of 159 viewers
Synopsis: The story unfolds on the second floor of the gym—our usual meeting place. Although it was class time, lessons weren’t always conducted here. This is where Adachi and Shimamura became friends. They hung out together—discussing TV shows, cooking, playing tennis… This place is where their friendship deepened. Leaning against the wall, Adachi sighed lightly. What was this feeling? Yesterday, she had imagined kissing Shimamura. Not that she’s like that. She’s sure Shimamura isn’t either. It’s not about that. But, when Shimamura hears the word “friend,” Adachi wants her to think of her first. Just like Adachi does when she thinks of Shimamura.
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- Given the genre is not specified, potential viewers may want to explore additional reviews or summaries to gain a deeper understanding of the themes and narrative style present in “Adachi to Shimamura.”
Adachi to Shimamura Episode List
Episode Number | Title |
1 | The Present From the Astronomical Observatory |
2 | Let’s Eat Sweets |
3 | Shelter From the Rain |
4 | Sometimes It’s Hard to Tell If I’ve Grown or If the World Has Become Bigger |
5 | The Taste of Chocolate That She Can’t Express |
6 | It’s Awkward, Especially When It Gets Cold |
7 | Now That We’re Best Friends, Where Do We Go From Here? |
8 | Let’s Take a Day Off |
9 | The Girls’ Day |
10 | Love, Unrequited, Between Two |
11 | Welcome, The New Year! |
12 | I Called Out to You |