“Actors: Songs Connection” is a TV anime series that aired from October 6, 2019, to December 22, 2019. The anime, known as “ACTORS -Songs Connection-” in Japanese, belongs to the TV genre. It consists of 12 episodes, each with a runtime of approximately 23 minutes. The series is rated PG-13, making it suitable for viewers aged 13 and above.
- Japanese Title: ACTORS -Songs Connection-
- Anime Type: TV
- Episode Count: 12 episodes
- Release Date: October 6, 2019 – December 22, 2019
- Genre: Not specified
- Age Rating: PG-13 – 13 years old and above
- Studios: Drive
- Episode Duration: 23 minutes per episode
- Overall Rating: 0.00/10 based on the votes of 52 viewers
Synopsis: The story unfolds within the metropolis behind a 130-meter wall, focusing on the seventh academy of ten, Tensho Private Academy. The school administration runs an education system that involves various club activities alongside regular classes, such as the Archaeology Club and the Song Club, where students can be recognized for their singing. Students can earn points by participating in school activities, club events, and by preparing for the upcoming Tensho Gakuen Song Contest.
User Comments:
- The provided information doesn’t include specific user comments or reviews for “Actors: Songs Connection.” If available, user feedback can offer insights into how viewers perceived the anime.
- As the anime genre is not specified, potential viewers may want to explore additional sources or user reviews to gather more information about the series’ themes and style.
Actors: Songs Connection Episode List
Episode Number | Title |
1 | Actors: Songs Connection 1 |
2 | Actors: Songs Connection 2 |
3 | Actors: Songs Connection 3 |
4 | Actors: Songs Connection 4 |
5 | Actors: Songs Connection 5 |
6 | Actors: Songs Connection 6 |
7 | Actors: Songs Connection 7 |
8 | Actors: Songs Connection 8 |
9 | Actors: Songs Connection 9 |
10 | Actors: Songs Connection 10 |
11 | Actors: Songs Connection 11 |
12 | Actors: Songs Connection 12 Final |