“Ace wo Nerae!” (Aim for the Ace!) is a TV anime series that originally aired from October 5, 1973, to March 29, 1974. The anime, produced by Mainichi Broadcasting System and Tokyo Movie Shinsha, is an older title belonging to the sports genre, specifically focusing on tennis. It consists of 26 episodes, with a runtime of 24 minutes per episode. The anime has a PG-13 rating, making it suitable for viewers aged 13 and above.
- Japanese Title: エースをねらえ!
- English Title: Ace wo Nerae! (Aim for the Ace!)
- Anime Type: TV
- Episode Count: 26 episodes
- Release Date: October 5, 1973 – March 29, 1974
- Genre: Sports
- Age Rating: PG-13 – 13 years old and above
- Producers: Mainichi Broadcasting System, Tokyo Movie Shinsha
- Studios: Madhouse
- Episode Duration: 24 minutes per episode
- Overall Rating: 0.00/10 based on the votes of 6 viewers
Synopsis: The story follows 15-year-old Oka Hiromi, a first-year student at Nishi High School. Hiromi joins the tennis club because of her admiration for Ryuuzaki Reika, also known as the Butterfly Queen. Shortly after joining, she meets the new coach, Jin Munakata, who puts everyone, including the Butterfly Queen, through rigorous training. Hiromi’s determined attitude in the face of challenges earns her a spot on the team. As a team member, Hiromi must endure the pressure from upperclassmen.
User Comments:
- The provided information doesn’t include specific user comments or reviews for “Ace wo Nerae!” If available, user feedback can offer insights into how viewers perceived the anime.
- “Ace wo Nerae!” is a classic sports anime, and its historical significance in the anime industry may appeal to fans of older anime titles or those interested in sports-themed series. As always, individual preferences may vary, and checking user reviews can provide more context on the viewing experience.
Ace wo Nerae! Episode List
Episode Number | Title |
1 | Ace wo Nerae! Episode 1 |
2 | Ace wo Nerae! Episode 2 |
3 | Ace wo Nerae! Episode 3 |
4 | Ace wo Nerae! Episode 4 |
26 | Ace wo Nerae! Episode 26 |