“Acchi Kocchi,” also known as “Place to Place,” is a TV anime series. It consists of 12 episodes and aired from April 6, 2012, to June 29, 2012. The English title “Place to Place” reflects the literal translation of the Japanese title “あっちこっち” (“Acchi Kocchi”). The anime falls into the category of Slice of Life, Comedy, and Romance. The age rating is PG-13, suitable for viewers 13 years old and above. The production involved collaboration between studios AIC and DAX Production.
- Japanese Title: あっちこっち
- English Title: Place to Place (Acchi Kocchi)
- Anime Type: TV
- Episode Count: 12 episodes
- Release Date: April 6, 2012 – June 29, 2012
- Genres: Slice of Life, Comedy, Romance
- Age Rating: PG-13 – 13 years old and above
- Producers: BS-TBS, DAX Production, Houbunsha, Jumondo, Pony Canyon, TBS
- Studios: AIC
- Episode Duration: 25 minutes per episode
- Overall Rating: 7.37/10 based on the votes of 555 viewers
Synopsis: The series revolves around the seemingly difficult-to-read relationship between Tsumiki and Io. The dynamic takes a comedic turn as other characters intervene and disturb the duo. Tsumiki is hesitant to express her feelings openly, while Io remains unaware of these emotions.
User Comments:
- The provided information doesn’t include specific user comments or reviews for “Acchi Kocchi.” If available, user feedback can offer insights into how viewers perceived the anime.
- “Acchi Kocchi” is characterized by its Slice of Life and Romantic Comedy elements. If you enjoy lighthearted and comedic romance anime, this series might be worth exploring. Individual preferences may vary, so checking user reviews can provide a better understanding of whether this anime aligns with your taste.
Acchi Kocchi (TV) Episode List
Episode Number | Title |
1 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 1 |
2 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 2 |
3 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 3 |
4 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 4 |
5 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 5 |
6 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 6 |
7 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 7 |
8 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 8 |
9 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 9 |
10 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 10 |
11 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 11 |
12 | Acchi Kocchi Episode 12 Final |