“Abarenbou Rikishi!! Matsutarou” is a television anime series that aired from April 6, 2014, to September 28, 2014. The English title for the anime is “Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro!!” or “Roughneck Sumo Wrestler!! Matsutarou.” The series falls under the category of PG-13, suitable for viewers aged 13 and above. It consists of 23 episodes, with each episode having a runtime of approximately 22 minutes. Despite the limited number of voters, the anime currently holds a rating of 0.00/10 based on the votes of 65 participants.
Synopsis: The story revolves around Sakaguchi Matsutarou, an individual beyond the ordinary with his imposing physique and strength. Unlike typical shounen heroes, Matsutarou is carefree and never thinks about consequences. Suddenly finding himself involved in the world of Sumo Wrestling, his nonchalant and unthinking demeanor raises questions about whether he can truly become a sportsman.
- Genre: Unknown
- Episode Count: 23 episodes
- Release Date: April 6, 2014, Sunday – September 28, 2014, Sunday
- Airing Day: Sunday
- Runtime: 22 minutes per episode
The anime explores the journey of Matsutarou as he navigates the world of Sumo Wrestling with his unique personality and physical prowess. Whether Matsutarou’s carefree nature becomes an asset or a hindrance in the world of competitive sports adds an interesting dynamic to the narrative. For viewers interested in sports anime with unconventional protagonists, “Abarenbou Rikishi!! Matsutarou” might offer a refreshing take on the genre.
Abarenbou Rikishi!! Matsutarou – TV Series
Category | English Title | Other Titles | Japanese Title |
TV Series | Rowdy Sumo Wrestler Matsutaro!! | Roughneck Sumo Wrestler!! Matsutarou | 暴れん坊力士!!松太郎 |
Anime Type | |||
Number of Episodes | 23 / 23 | ||
Start Date | April 6, 2014, Sunday | ||
End Date | September 28, 2014, Sunday | ||
Age Rating | PG-13 – 13 Yaş üstü | ||
Studio | Toei Animation | ||
Episode Duration | 22 minutes | ||
Rating | 0.00 / 10 (Rated by 65 people) |
The story revolves around Sakaguchi Matsutarou, an individual with extraordinary size and strength beyond that of ordinary people. Matsutarou is not your typical Shounen hero; he is carefree and never worries about anything. One day, he unexpectedly finds himself immersed in the world of Sumo Wrestling. However, his carefree and reckless nature raises the question of whether he can truly become a serious athlete in the sport.