“Aa! Megami-sama!” or “Ah! My Goddess!” is a delightful TV anime series that originally aired from January 7, 2005, to July 8, 2005. With 24 captivating episodes, the series boasts a PG-13 rating, making it suitable for viewers aged 13 and above. Produced by Bandai Visual and TBS, and animated by AIC studio, the show earned a commendable rating of 7.39/10 based on the votes of 556 participants.
The story revolves around Keiichi Morisato, a kind-hearted but incredibly unlucky student. Struggling to find a girlfriend and facing challenges in his motorcycle club, Keiichi’s life takes an unexpected turn when he accidentally dials the “Goddess Helpline” while trying to make a call for his clubmates. To his surprise, the beautiful goddess Belldandy appears.
Belldandy, offering Keiichi a single wish, promises to make it come true—whether it’s wealth, fame, or power. However, Keiichi, overwhelmed by the moment, utters a simple yet heartfelt wish: “Stay with me forever.” Much to his amazement, Belldandy agrees, and their lives become intertwined in unexpected and charming ways.
- Genre: Unknown
- Episode Count: 24 episodes
- Start Date: January 7, 2005, Friday
- End Date: July 8, 2005, Friday
- Runtime: 24 minutes per episode
The anime beautifully combines elements of romance, fantasy, and comedy. Viewers are drawn to the heartwarming relationship between Keiichi and Belldandy as they navigate through the challenges of both the human and divine worlds.
The nostalgic animation style, engaging plot, and lovable characters contribute to the series’ enduring popularity. “Aa! Megami-sama!” offers a delightful and memorable viewing experience for those seeking a mix of romance and fantasy in the realm of anime.
Ah! My Goddess (Aa! Megami-sama!) – TV
Category | English Title | Other Titles | Japanese Title |
TV | Ah! My Goddess | Ah! My Goddess! (TV) | ああっ女神さまっ |
Anime Type | |||
Number of Episodes | 24 / 24 | ||
Start Date | January 7, 2005, Friday | ||
End Date | July 8, 2005, Friday | ||
Age Rating | PG-13 – 13 Years and Older | ||
Producer | Bandai Visual, TBS | AIC | |
Episode Duration | 24 minutes | ||
Rating | 7.39 / 10 (Rated by 556 people) |
Keiichi Morisato, a pure-hearted but very unlucky student, struggles to find a girlfriend, faces challenges in his motorcycle club, and is often burdened with tasks by his friends. One day, while trying to make a phone call at the request of his clubmates, he accidentally dials the “Goddess Help Line.” This connects him with Belldandy, a goddess who appears and grants him one wish. Keiichi wishes for Belldandy to stay with him forever.
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