“A-Ko The Versus,” also known as “Project A-ko: Uncivil Wars” or “Project A-Ko: Vs,” is an OVA series that unfolds over two episodes. The narrative kicks off on July 21, 1990, and concludes on August 21, 1990. With an age restriction of R+ for mild nudity, the series delves into the ruthless world of bounty hunting featuring two young women, A-ko and B-ko.
Produced by Studio Fantasia, “A-Ko The Versus” spans a total runtime of 51 minutes, divided across its two episodes. Despite a limited audience, with only 2 participants in the rating, the series holds a provisional score of 0.00/10. This lack of recognition may be attributed to the challenges faced by the anime, including inadequate marketing and insufficient financial investments.
The plot revolves around A-ko and B-ko, two young women engaged in relentless bounty hunting in an unforgiving world. The narrative takes an unexpected turn when C-ko, a small heiress, falls from the sky, setting off a chaotic chain of events. A-ko and B-ko find themselves embroiled in a war between space police and space pirates. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that C-ko harbors a secret of ancient evil and is at the center of plans to destroy the universe.
Despite the potential of its narrative, “A-Ko The Versus” has faced challenges, and over the years, it has not received the recognition it deserves. Viewers’ general feedback points to unsuccessful marketing and a lack of necessary financial investments as contributing factors to the anime’s underappreciation. Nevertheless, the series offers a unique blend of action, intrigue, and sci-fi elements, making it an intriguing watch for those interested in the bounty hunting genre.
A-Ko The Versus
Category | … | Other Titles | Japanese Title |
OVA | Project A-ko: Uncivil Wars | Project A-Ko: Vs | A-Ko The VS [ヴァーサス] |
Anime Type | |||
Number of Episodes | 2 / 2 | ||
Start Date | July 21, 1990, Saturday | ||
End Date | August 21, 1990, Tuesday | ||
Age Rating | R+ – Mild Nudity | ||
Studio | Studio Fantasia | ||
Episode Duration | 51 minutes | ||
Rating | 0.00 / 10 (Rated by 2 people) |
A-ko and B-ko, two young women, engage in ruthless bounty hunting in a harsh world. When a small heiress named C-ko falls from the sky and becomes a nuisance, they find themselves in the midst of a war between space police and space pirates. As the story unfolds, it reveals that C-ko harbors a secret of ancient evil and is at the center of plans to destroy the universe.