“Ahiru no Sora” is a TV anime series that falls under the sports genre. The Japanese title for the series is “あひるの空,” and it is often referred to by its English title. The anime aired for a total of 50 episodes, starting on October 2, 2019, and concluding on September 30, 2020. The age rating for the series is PG-13 (suitable for viewers 13 years old and above). Diomedéa served as the studio responsible for the animation, and the series received an overall rating of 8.90/10 based on the votes of 320 viewers.
- Japanese Title: あひるの空
- English Title: Ahiru no Sora
- Anime Type: TV Series
- Episode Count: 50 episodes
- Airing Period: October 2, 2019, to September 30, 2020
- Genre: Sports
- Age Rating: PG-13 (13 years old and above)
- Studio: Diomedéa
- Episode Duration: 24 minutes per episode
- Overall Rating: 8.90/10 based on the votes of 320 viewers
Synopsis: Sora Kurumatani, a passionate yet physically weak individual, joins Kuzuryuu High School in the hope of fulfilling his mother’s wish for him to win his first high school basketball tournament. However, the school’s basketball club, known for its unruly members, engages in activities beyond just playing basketball. The club consists of a talented but unable-to-score pivot and a skilled playmaker who has lost interest in sports. After experiencing an adrenaline rush during an intense match, Sora becomes fascinated with basketball, reigniting the fiery passion for youth and the sport.
User Comments:
- The provided information does not include specific user comments or reviews for “Ahiru no Sora.” User feedback can provide additional insights into the audience’s reception and opinions about the anime series.
- “Ahiru no Sora” spans 50 episodes, making it a longer series suitable for viewers who enjoy a more extensive narrative within the sports genre.
Ahiru no Sora Filler List
Episode Number | Title | Filler or Canon |
1 | The Ugly Duckling | Canon |
2 | I Want to Play Basketball! | Canon |
3 | Your Basketball | Canon |
4 | Let Me Join In | Canon |
5 | I Am Serious | Canon |
6 | Let’s Go | Canon |
7 | We’ll Get the Ball Over | Canon |
8 | Don’t Be Ridiculous | Canon |
9 | I Can’t Have That | Canon |
10 | Nice to Meet You, Guys! | Canon |
… | … | … |
50 | Final Episode | Canon |
This table provides information on each episode, including the episode number, title, and whether the episode is filler or canon. In this case, all episodes of “Ahiru no Sora” are considered canon.