“Afro Samurai: Resurrection” is a movie that serves as a sequel to the “Afro Samurai” anime series. The English title for the movie is the same as the Japanese title, which is “アフロサムライ Resurrection.” The movie falls under the category of Movies and has an age rating of R+ (Mild Nudity). Gonzo served as the studio for the production of this movie.
- Japanese Title: アフロサムライ Resurrection
- English Title: Afro Samurai: Resurrection
- Anime Type: Movie
- Episode Count: 1 movie
- Release Date: January 25, 2009
- Genre: Not specified
- Age Rating: R+ (Mild Nudity)
- Studio: Gonzo
- Duration: 1 hour, 40 minutes
- Overall Rating: 7.45/10 based on the votes of 366 viewers
Synopsis: In the dead of the night, Afro is suddenly attacked by Jinno but finds himself unable to defend against the assault. Jinno drags him to the grave of Afro’s father, where a woman named Sio awaits. Sio, having taken Afro’s father’s skull along with the Number One headband, tells Afro that if he wants to reclaim his father’s bones, he must search for and obtain the Number Two headband. Thus, Afro embarks on another journey of violence to ensure his father can rest in peace.
User Comments:
- The provided information does not include specific user comments or reviews for “Afro Samurai: Resurrection.” User feedback can provide additional insights into the audience’s reception and opinions about the movie.
- As the genre is not specified, potential viewers may want to explore additional reviews or summaries to gain a deeper understanding of the themes and narrative style present in “Afro Samurai: Resurrection.”
Afro Samurai: Resurrection Filler List
Episode Number | Title | Filler or Canon |
1 | Resurrection | Canon |
This table provides information on each episode, including the episode number, title, and whether the episode is filler or canon. In this case, “Afro Samurai: Resurrection” has only one episode, and it is considered canon.